The Rail Skills Academy: connecting the young people of Fife with the rail industry

Posted on 20 July 2023

The Levenmouth Rail Link project is a groundbreaking initiative that is revolutionising the transportation infrastructure in Fife, Scotland.

As part of its latest development, the project has proudly unveiled the Rail Skills Academy, a remarkable opportunity aimed at engaging the young people of Fife. Giving them the chance to actively participate and contribute to this transformative endeavour.

The academy, based at the Fife Heritage Site, will provide participants with the competencies, skills and work experience required for them to thrive in the rail sector.

The course, running full-time over nine weeks and delivered by QTS training, has been designed to equip young people with the entry-level skills and certificates that will be required of them to gain employment in rail.

Individuals can explore an exceptional opportunity to begin a fulfilling career in the railway industry with a fully-funded five-week training program. The course covers crucial subjects such as personal track safety, and track induction, and offers essential one-day certificates in emergency first aid, manual handling, and small plant and tools.

Young people aged 18 and above are invited to attend an assessment day on Tuesday, August 1st. By registering in advance, candidates can engage in informative sessions and have the chance to interact with the dedicated staff responsible for running the course.

This initiative is part of the £116 million Scottish Government-funded project, aiming to reconnect Leven to the mainline rail network with direct trains to Edinburgh. The goal is to inspire and nurture the next generation of railway workers, leaving a lasting legacy in the industry.

Thanks to support from Fife Council, participants will receive a training allowance of £55 per week, making this course accessible to all aspiring professionals looking to kickstart their career on Scotland's Railway.

Network Rail's Capital Delivery Director, Kirs Kennear, commented on the academy; "We are excited to see this project launched in Levenmouth. Our site team are passionate about this and we are all looking forward to the assessment day on August 1.

“Helping to inspire the next generation, who may never have thought about a railway career, is a positive step.

“The rail industry continues to have a large work bank and our contractors are keen to strengthen their workforce. Training and employing local people is a great way to leave a legacy.”

The Levenmouth Rail Link project stands as a testament to the power of innovation and community engagement in transforming the transportation landscape of Fife, Scotland. With the launch of the Rail Skills Academy, the project has embarked on a journey to empower the young people of the region, opening doors to a promising career in the railway industry.

With enthusiastic support from Network Rail and its contractors, the academy paves the way for a brighter future, where young talents can thrive and contribute to the continued growth of the railway sector, marking a remarkable chapter in the history of Fife's transportation infrastructure.

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